Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies for Teaching High-Ability Learners

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Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies for Teaching High-Ability Learners Customer Reviews

  • 1.0 out of 5 stars from John M Schmitt -- No Longer Useful for Our Moment : One of the ideas proposed in this text is to ask students to role play the life of an enslaved person, with other students taking on roles as oppressors. Sorry - there's just no space where that's an acceptable thing to do now. It trivializes the experience, and it will never capture the inhumanity of someone being forced into a life of servitude, cultural decimation, rape, murder, and everything else enslavement entailed. Gifted learners would be best served by engaging in primary source text as much as possible, and not waxing philosophical in a role play about life being enslaved. Moreover, the book flippantly suggests these kinds of things, and it makes me wonder: has the author considered how best to teach gifted students about race, as a concept and cultural practice? Surely that would be an important step when leading a Social Studies classroom of gifted learners about the history of the United States. And, would the author be willing to help unsuspecting teachers find a job when their role play goes off-the-rails and parents and administration are justifiably infuriated? ( Reviewed in the United States on May 19, 2021 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Matthew Edmond -- If you ARE a teacher and would like to understand : I read this book not as a teacher of children, but as a gifted child who grew to be a corporate instructor and many hours of therapy under my belt. This book opened a lot of insight into the attitudes, behaviors, and feelings that shaped my adulthood. If you ARE a teacher and would like to understand, treat, and mold your teaching to help gifted children, I highly recommend it. ( Reviewed in the United States on December 7, 2017 )

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Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies For Teaching... Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies For Teaching Teaching Gifted Children | Success Strategies For Teaching... Amazon.Com: Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies For... Tips & Strategies For Teaching The Gifted... - Brighthub Education Tips For Teaching Gifted Students | Scholastic Six Strategies For Challenging Gifted Learners - Ascd From the pages of Teaching for High Potential, a quarterly publication of the National Association for Gifted Children, this collection of articles is sure to be of use to any educator of high-ability students. Topics include instructional methods across the curriculum, meeting the social-emotional needs of the... ...Success Strategies for Teaching High-Ability Learners Edited by C. Matthew Fugate, Ph.D., Jeff Danielian, Elizabeth Fogarty, Ph.D. (Prufrock Press Edited by Linda Biondi. According to the National Association for Gifted Children, "Children are gifted when their ability is significantly above the... Success Strategies for Teaching High-Ability Learners. Edited ByJeff Danielian, C. Matthew Fugate, Elizabeth Fogarty. From the pages of Teaching for High Potential, a quarterly publication of the National Association for Gifted Children, this collection of articles is sure to be of use to any educator... From the pages of Teaching for High Potential, a quarterly publication of the National Association for Gifted Children, this collection of articles is sure to b. and High-Ability Learners Chapter 45: Curiosity for All Chapter 46: Using the Digital Ecosystem to Improve Nature's Ecosystem Chapter 47... Teaching Methods & Materials. Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies for Teaching High-Ability Learners. From the pages of Teaching for High Potential, a quarterly publication of the National Association for Gifted Children, this collection of articles is sure to be of use to any educator... Teaching Gifted Children and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. Differentiating the Curriculum for Gifted Learners (Effective Teaching in Today's Classroom). This magnificent, comprehensive anthology of gifted research, resources, and teaching strategies was... According to the National Association of Gifted Children, there are approximately 3 million academically gifted students in grades K-12 in the US. Exceptional learners often need different teaching strategies than mainstream students. Reading strategies are successful when they allow... For instance, gifted children may seem focused in class but come home and tell parents they are bored, French says. "There are multiple sides to these Although a teacher may have adjusted the curriculum for a gifted child, that's not always visible to parents, says Dina Brulles, director of gifted... With the following strategies, teachers can tend to the complex needs of their high-ability students in the heterogeneous classroom. Author Carol Ann Tomlinson advocates teaching up—"a practice of first planning a lesson that's challenging for high-end learners and then differentiating for other... Teaching Gifted Children book. Read 2 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Start by marking "Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies for Teaching High-Ability Learners" as Want to Read Success Strategies For Teaching High-Ability Learners Chapter 64: The Role Of Teachers When Gifted Students Experience Negative Life Events Chapter 65:  $50.00 In Stock : Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies For Teaching High-Ability Learners: 9781618216724: Danielian, Jeff, Fugate, Matthew, Fogarty,  Sep 20, 2021 — Request Pdf | Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies For Teaching High-Ability Learners | From The Pages Of Teaching For High  Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies For Teaching High-Ability Learners. Front Cover. Jeff Danielian, Matthew Fugate, Elizabeth Fogarty. By J Heuring · 2018 · Cited By 1 — Teaching Gifted Children Is A Privilege. It Is A Gift, In A Sense, To Be Afforded The Opportunity To Work With Such Unique And Diverse  Goodreads Helps You Keep Track Of Books You Want To Read. Start By Marking “Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies For Teaching High-Ability Learners” As  Rating: 3 2 Votes Jan 24, 2020 — Students Who Are Intellectually Gifted Demonstrate Many Characteristics, Including: A Precocious Ability To Think Abstractly, An Extreme Need  Apr 1, 2016 — With The Following Strategies, Teachers Can Tend To The Complex Needs Of Their High-Ability Students In The Heterogeneous Classroom. Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies for ... Success Strategies for Teaching High Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies ... Success Strategies for Teaching High Teaching Gifted Children: Success Strategies for ... Tips for Teachers: Successful strategies for teaching gifted ... Six Strategies for Challenging Gifted Learners

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